Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Abby's Assignment Sheet

Vocabulary Words: safety, battery, smoke, emergency, firefighters, hazard, drill, instructions

1. Name 3 places that fires often occur.
2. Math worksheet
3. Complete map skills sheet

1. What is a smoke detector and why is it so important to have them in homes and other buildings? How often should we change the batteries in a smoke detector? Why should we do this?
2. Write definitions for vocab words #1-4.
3. Math sheet

1. Why is it safer to drop low and get under the smoke and fire when escaping from a burning building? What are the five steps you should follow if your clothes catch on fire?
2. Define vocab words #4-8.
3. Math sheet

1. Place vocab words in A, B, C order.
2. Complete map skills worksheet.
3. Math sheet

1. Write sentences using your vocab words.
2. Complete reading worksheet.
3. Math worksheet

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